Thursday, August 11, 2011

Doctors criticise 'needless' death toll in childbirth that could be cut by a third if given the right care

Doctors have denounced the "unnecessary" death of dozens of mothers caused by poor care during pregnancy and childbirth.
They want urgent action on the "worrying" number of women who die from conditions that could have been seen.
An increase in high-risk pregnancies, including those of older mothers and overweight, it means that women may experience a complex mix of health problems.

General practitioners and hospital doctors should be on guard for preventable or treatable causes, said a group of leading doctors led by Professor Catherine Nelson-Piercy, of Kings College London.
They want more obstetricians and better training for GPs.
Writing in the British Medical Journal, said that while the total number of deaths has decreased since the 1950s, there was a "worrying trend" of an increase in the number of deaths from conditions not directly caused by pregnancy.

The main cause of maternal death is heart disease, while thesecond is neurological disease.
Most of these deaths are associated with poor quality care andone third of cases, greater care is classified as poor, wheredifferent care might have prevented the death of the mother. "

These require urgent Attention failings, "the doctors INSIST.
In March, the Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries Reported That 261 women died in the UK or Indirectly Directly related to pregnancy of Conditions for the three years from 2006 to 2008.
Of Those, 107 Were 'direct deaths' from Being pregnant Conditions linked with, while 154 died of indirect damage, Including Infections and Underlying health problems.
Some are dying from treatable Conditions Such as epilepsy, diabetes and asthma, and a failure to diagnose Properly These women, Symptoms and treat Investigate Them Their Amounts to substandard care, the doctors wrote.
They added: "Obstetricians and midwives alone reduce maternal deaths Can not indirect - They Need support from physicians and general practitioners.
'But Many doctors are Unfamiliar With The interaction between pregnancy and medical disease, the safety of Radiological Investigations in pregnancy, and the Risk-benefit ratio for the use of Different drugs in pregnancy. "
Dr David Williams of the Institute for Women's Health at University College Hospital London, said: 'Many women are now delaying pregnancy Until They are older, and as we get older we Become more overweight. As a Consequence of That There's more diabetes and hypertension in pregnancy and High Risk Pregnancies These are.
'There is Also Increasing numbers of women Who are HAVING IVF Treatment and Some Of These women are over 40, 45, Even 50. "

Baby's sex can be revealed at just SEVEN weeks with new blood test

Experts warn the test could be misused to terminate a pregnancy on gender grounds
This is a boy or a girl? "is one of the first questions parents-to-be wants to know the answer.
Now, thanks to a simple blood test can tell with surprising accuracy in about seven weeks.
Although not widely offered by doctors, gender screening blood tests have been sold to online consumers in recent years.

Now researchers have found that actually provide fast and accurate results.
The test looks for small parts of the male sex chromosomes in the mother's blood and reveals whether a mother is carrying a baby as early as seven weeks.
The team, from Tufts University School of Medicine, said the test may be especially valuable for families that host sex-linked genetic disorders such as hemophilia.
Because these disorders strike mostly children, knowing that the baby is a girl could do without the mother's diagnostic procedures such as amniocentesis, which carry a small risk of miscarriage.
"You could reduce the number of invasive procedures are performed for specific genetic conditions," said study author Dr. Diana Bianchi.
The method called cell-free fetal DNA is available in many European hospitals and costs around £ 255. It is currently not available from doctors in the United States but is available online.
"What we are finding in England is that many women will have invasive tests, said Dr. Bianchi.
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In such procedures, doctors or extract some of the fluid surrounding the fetus, but this may cause a small number of mothers to abort.
However, some researchers warned that the test could be used to terminate a pregnancy if the baby is not the desired sex.
"The thing to consider is the ethics of this," said Dr. Mary Rosser Montefiore Medical Center in New York.
"If parents use it to determine the sex and abortion on the grounds that it could be a problem.
"Remember, gender is not a disease."
A new look at the medical evidence for the blood test, Bianchi and her colleagues analyzed 57 previous studies involving more than 6,500 pregnancies.
Found parents could rely on the test of 98.8 percent of the time when he said he would have a child, and 94.8 percent of the time when a girl said.
The current non-invasive alternative - an ultrasound performed in the late first trimester (12 weeks) - is not always good at detecting the sex of the baby.

What the dip on your lip reveals about your sex life

Does the plane smiling lips pouting Julia Roberts or curves Sophie Dahl?
A recent study by the University of the West of Scotland, found that women with a prominent, clearly stated "tubercle" on his upper lip - commonly known as a Cupid's bow - are 12 times more likely to reach orgasm through sex alone. Sophie Luck.
For the study, 258 women aged between 18 and 35 years were asked to describe the shape of lips and sexual habits.
Ninety-five percent of people with a well-defined tubercle said they could achieve orgasm through intercourse, but only 60 percent of people with a less well-defined tubercle can boast the same.
However, those of us lacking in the department of tuberculosis should not be too discouraged, because the same study also found that the shape of the lip had no effect on the ability of a woman to orgasm through other methods. "If you're already having orgasm through sex alone, then great," says Paula Hall, Relate sex therapist. "But what really matters in a satisfying sex life is trust, openness and communication."
And if that does not work? Well, there's a lip liner.
Sophie Dahl, Kate Moss and Rihanna all have a Cupid's Bow on their top lip
Julia Roberts, Cheryl Cole and Nicole Kidman don't have a prominent lip dip.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Why Important is Sex in a Marriage

Sex is an indicator of privacy

Sure there are other ways to show they love, but if sex takes up very low on their list of priorities in marriage, there may be a problem. May be due to personal reasons such as low self confidence or could be, since you probably do not want each other so much. Both are problem areas and the need to be seen. Sex is important in a marriage because it is an indicator of physical intimacy in their relationship.

Bonds sex people

The moments of intimacy that you share with your spouse works best so the two of you closer. Sex is important in a marriage, because it joins two others and also promote the faith in which you want to and loved by your partner.

Sex helps in solving problems

Sexual intimacy helps couples resolve their problems. The passion and emotions will help you see beyond a couple of his points of disagreement and help them to bury the hatchet. Sex helps a relationship to rekindle lost romance and marriage of two people closer than ever. Sex in marriage is a sign that two people completely trust each other and therefore, so close to each other.

Sex is an indicator of the desire

Nobody wants to be in a marriage that lacks passion and desire. Therefore, consensus and invigorating sex marriage is an indication that the two partners still want and want each other.

Sex keeps the spark alive

A dwindling sex life in marriage can trigger one or both of the couple for links outside of the confines of marriage. This is not healthy for the relationship of issues such as infidelity can permanently heal the relationship.

Sex is important for people

A healthy sex life will make a person feel loved and increase his / her confidence. And a trustworthy person will automatically be a success and work to make the marriage work. On the other hand, if a person is not wanted by his / partner within the marriage that will hurt his / her self-esteem. Problems arise and eventually take a toll on the marriage.