Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sex Tips and Techniques for Masturbation

What is masturbation?
What is masturbation? The masturbation is to stimulate the sexual organs usually by a single person to achieve orgasm. Though masturbation can be done by the partners themselves, the term is most commonly used when sexual satisfaction is provided by yourself. Most people use their hands to masturbate, but instruments like vibrators and dildos can also be used. These imitate the movements of hand and provide sexual pleasure.

Masturbation is a way of releasing repressed sexual energy. Most people start masturbating at the time of puberty. With changes in an individual's hormonal profile during puberty, there is a surge of sexual energy, which can be released with the help of masturbation. Masturbation is reported more in men than in women. More than a physiological difference in libido, this may be due to sociological taboos on women. Women also tend to discontinue or reduce masturbation when they form sexual relationships.
Is masturbation harmful?
Is masturbation harmful? This is the biggest myth of masturbation. If submitted for moderation, masturbation, by contrast, is a healthy practice that releases sexual energy. According to certain religious practices and beliefs, masturbation is harmful since it results in the loss of the "seeds of a Man" and makes it weak. Masturbation in women has been ignored in the religious texts. Other myths surrounding the act are that it reduces virility by making the semen less thick decreasing the chances of a man having children. This is totally false. Masturbation does not cause loss of strength or virility in a person.
What are the other myths surrounding masturbation?
What are the other myths surrounding masturbation?

1. Only males masturbate - this is not true. Females masturbate as much as men do. However, they tend to report it less than men due to social stigma associated with it. Has also been observed that females tend to reduce or discontinue masturbation once they get in the way sex.
2. Masturbation is unhealthy - masturbation per se does not cause any health hazard. It is an unhealthy habit. However, you can be mentally unhealthy if it assumes obsessive proportions and the individual is unable to think of something else. You can also have physical repercussions if the instrument used to masturbate is dirty or infected.
3. Only teens masturbate - though the practice usually begins during adolescence, almost all adults practice it at one time or another.
April. Masturbation does not provide much satisfaction as sexual intercourse - sometimes masturbation is more satisfying than sex. This is because, during masturbation, an individual is in control of their own movements and can maximize the pleasure according to their needs. During sex, the degree of satisfaction to some extent, the responsibility of the couple.
5. People masturbate only if they are unsatisfactory sexual relationships - people also masturbate for self satisfaction, even when they have attained full sexual satisfaction.

Can I stop masturbating?
Can I stop masturbating? One can stop masturbating if one wants. So as you can live without falling into sex, you can also stop masturbating with some will power. However, since the activity has nothing to be ashamed of and most people do, there is no scientific reason to discontinue it. If you still waive, then the sexual energy may need to be channeled into alternative physical activities.

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